Nowadays, the frequency of non-surgical cosmetic treatments has greatly increased thanks to technological progress and the growing awareness of people to take care of themselves. Aging can be delayed, but not prevented. After the age of 30, facial changes begin, and the face is shifted downward. In this young group, where the skin quality has not yet deteriorated, a complete facelift is not necessary. However, a hollowing of the midface or a bunching in the chin area may be seen. The ideal surgical procedure to use in such cases is midface lift.
Midface lift is the shift in the front that you see when you look at a person's face. In youth, the expression under the eyes and on the cheeks is fuller and plumper, and the lower face is hollow. The face of an attractive, young-looking person is full in the middle and narrow toward the bottom. Over the years, as the skin and soft tissues sag, the fat pads shrink and lose their support. The face is distorted from top to bottom and appears more tired, sad or even older. This procedure gives the patient a 5-10 year younger appearance by returning the tissue that is displaced downward to where it should be over the bone. This procedure is performed through an incision on the lower eyelid. The lower eyelid is also corrected in this manner. If the lower eyelid is normal, the procedure is performed in the temporal region, and the midface is lifted upward. The technique to be used depends on the needs of the patient. In patients between the ages of 30 and 50, this correction can be achieved by lifting the midface, as there is no severe sagging or excess skin on the face.
Midface lift is not only performed to correct facial changes due to aging. In some patients, the bone or soft tissue in the midface may be structurally or familially more posterior, the chin may be more prominent, or the excess tissue in the lower face may be more pronounced. In other words, midface lift may be necessary even in young people to lift the tissues upward and correct facial harmony.
In older patients, midface lift and classic facelift should be performed in combination because even if excess skin and fascia are corrected with classic facelift, combined surgery is required to correct volume shifts.
After midface lift, it takes up to 2 weeks for the edema and bruising to recede, while the regression of the excessive fullness caused by the tightened facial tissue and complete recovery takes 1 to 1.5 months. It is recommended to use a dressing for up to 2 weeks by gradually reducing the amount of dressing material.